Diet - Nutrition - Lifestyle  
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holistic health counseling

Welcome to,

the official website of Holistic Health Counseling -

Your resource for a natural approach to health and well-being,

And a host to the National Holistic Health Counselors Directory.


Are you ready to create change in the way you eat and live?

Experience greater vitality?

Reduce stress and improve your health?


  Our holistic approach will help you:


v      Reach your ideal weight

v      Increase your energy

v      Experience better health

v      And create a balanced, happy life!


Despite the fact that more and more people are aware of the direct impact of food and lifestyle on mood, health and wellness, diet and stress-related conditions are rampant in the United States and other developed countries. Why? The information is sometimes conflicting and usually confusing.


"When your diet changes, everything changes." Joshua Rosenthal, director IIN


Holistic Health Counseling helps you weed through all of this information to find the best diet and nutrition for you based on a combination of the latest research and your personal body chemistry.


Our Counselors will guide you to make the best food and lifestyle choices for you. We work with you to create a personalized transformational program that focuses on gradual dietary changes, as well as the overall quality of your life.


Excellent, individualized support is extremely important as you make these changes in your life, and we stick with you every step of the way. Top athletes and corporate CEO's know this, which is why they often use coaches to help them achieve their desired results.


"A new breed of health counselors serves up recipes instead of prescriptions to keep you well."TIME OUT MAGAZINE, March 2005


As graduates of the highly acclaimed Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City and Board Certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, our Counselors are experts in the field of integrative nutrition and holistic wellness.


Are you ready to take charge of your health and your life?

You are invited to experience a free consultation with one of our Counselors --

at no obligation -- to discuss how we can help you reach your personal goals.

This conversation just might be a turning point in your life!


"Working with HHC was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the best investment I have ever made concerning my health."Barbara, New York



If you would like to find a Holistic Health Counselor or sign up for a free Initial Consultation, go to our Directory


To find out about lectures and workshops related to healthy living and eating, explore our Calendar.


Browse our Store filled with books and high quality wellness products.


"When diet is right, no doctor is needed. When we eat wrongly, no doctor   will help us."

Dr. Victor G. Rocine



January 19th, 2011

"Leave your potions in the chemist's crucible if you can heal your patient with food."

-- Hippocrates


Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.
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